IMPAC-T was selected to receive JICA President Awards 2014
The research project namely “Integrated Study Project on Hydro-Meteorological Prediction and Adaptation to Climate Change in Thailand (IMPAC-T)” which was established with the assistance from JICA/JST under Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) , has been awarded with JICA President Awards 2014 for its contributions to Thailand-Japan ties.
Prof. Dr. Taikan Oki , Head of Oki laboratory , Institute of Industrial Science, The university of Tokyo,
received the award at the international conference hall, JICA Ichigaya Building in the presence of AkihikoTanaka , President of JICA , on 28 October 2014
IMPAC-T was chosen in recognition of its cartier replica watches outstanding contribution to the development of human resources , society and the economy of Thailand and to the enhancement of friendly relations and mutual understanding between Thailand and Japan
The JICA President Awards is given either to an individual or an organisation that is associated with JICA and whose contribution in the field of development is recognised to be of immense significance in the developing society.
A commendation certificate along with a tribute to this effect duly signed by Akihiko Tanaka , Omega Replica Watches President of JICA was also presented to Kasetsart University, Royal Irrigation Department and Thai Meteorological Department in Thailand.